Sunday, November 06, 2005

The TRSQ- The New Dawn

For all of the fans of The TRSQ, rest assured the music continues. There have been several changes along the way that have given me more room, creative freedom and inspiration to move forward on this magnificent journey through space and time; continue to check daily for new soundscapes that will prove to move and soothe. For those of you new to "The TRSQ experience" check a few of the many cuts to the left- yea there- just hit play for a lil' taste* enjoy:)

Terrell Owens vs. Philadelphia Eagles T.O. Got K.O.

Dear T.O.,

Well, looks like you have done it this time Terrell, the mouth sometimes gets a little bigger than the head and things come out that simply should have stayed in the cranium. While sitting in your living room (the next 4 games), just think of how far the ego really carries one, only as far as your shadow and sometimes that's a stretch because of your height, maybe next time just stick to breaking out the "Sharpie" in the endzone and showing your personality there, but please T.O. please leave the mouth during press conference appearences on lock down for us football fans everywhere, its only fair.