Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New Sprint Phone - PPC-6700- Television, Phone, Camera All-in-1

Sprint Phone - PPC-6700: "Experience the powerful and feature-rich Sprint PCS VisionSM Smart Device PPC-6700, the first Pocket PC Phone Edition device on Windows Mobile 5.0 Software available in the U.S. It’s the newest mobile device platform from Microsoft�. With an exciting new form factor—smaller and lighter than traditional Pocket PC devices—this powerhouse has EV-DO built in, ready to support Sprint Mobile Broadband capabilities where available. It also sports a 416 MHz Intel� processor, megapixel camera and camcorder, a sliding QWERTY keyboard, and Bluetooth� and Wi-Fi data capabilities."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was checking this phone out recently....pretty cool gadget!!!