Saturday, November 12, 2005

Video telephony- We'll Be Talking Face To Face Very Soon

Video telephony: "Most people living today do not remember a time before radio, television, and telephones. High school students cannot recall a time before personal computers, and kids entering first grade this September will not remember a time before mobile phones."
The TRSQ Commentary-" The military and mega-millionaires have been using this technology for awhile, its now working its way down to the working class--get ready- you think webcams were something, this will take the world of communication to a whole new level, I call it "sexnology" folks have managed to incorporate "sex" into all areas of communication from, T.V. porn to text sexage (text "sex" messaging). Can you imagine the frenzy!

1 comment:

chrome said...

nothing strange there. the sex industry are always the early adopters of exotic tech